“I just want to let you know I sent out my first round of pitches a couple of weeks ago and got EIGHT yes’s! One of which was a pretty large podcast! I want to say THANK YOU FOR THE PODCAST TOUR ACADEMY. Seriously, so amazing and I am so thrilled with the results.

-Paige Pritchard, PTA Alumni


Hello you multi-faceted entrepreneur.

I know exactly where you are: wearing a million hats in your business, trying to hack the social media algorithm game, and frustrated with your growth.

Do you ever ask yourself:

If only I could get into the room?!

I also know that you are yearning for the abundance, recognition, the network of your dreams, and a platform to finally tell your story to the masses.

I know that you are READY to play big but you are wondering how to escape your habits of playing small. 

I know you are frustrated with the traditional social media and marketing techniques that are leaving you burnout, depleted of inspiration, in an endless vicious cycle or comparisonitis. 

I also know that you are at a fork in the road, asking yourself: Do I keep trucking along hoping one of my reels will go viral or do I get out of my own way and actually step into my personal power? 

If you’re down for the latter, you have come to the right place. 

Hello you multi-faceted entrepreneur.

I know exactly where you are: wearing a million hats in your business, running the social media rat race, and frustrated with your growth.

Do you ever ask yourself:

If I could only get into the room?!

I also know that you are yearning for the abundance, recognition, network, and platform to finally tell your story to the masses.

I know that you are READY to play big but you are wondering how to escape your habits of playing small. 

I know you are frustrated with the traditional social media and marketing techniques that are leaving you burnout, depleted of inspiration, in an endless vicious cycle or comparisonitis. 

I also know that you are at a fork in the road, asking yourself: Do I keep trucking along hoping one of my reels will go viral or do I get out of my own way and actually step into my personal power? 

If you’re down for the latter, you have come to the right place. 

How would it feel to...

  • Step into your personal power and know the value and worth of your story?
  • Feel confident enough to finally put yourself out there and start building the momentum of your personal brand?
  • Receive emails from hosts say YES to having you on their podcast?
  • Build out the network of your dreams of entrepreneurs, authors, and content creators you thought were so out of reach?
  • Welcome in new aligned clients who are ready to sign with you?
  • Get your book into the hands of thousands?
  • Create content that is not based in quantity but in quality that actually converts to business growth? 
  • Be seen and recognized as a thought leader in your space?
  • Become the bestselling author, widely recognized personal brand, and sold-out coach that you know you are capable of becoming?


  • Burnt out from the social media hamster wheel
  • Ready to get your message out to new audiences
  • Wanting to grow your following and community 
  • Looking to refine your messaging as a speaker 
  • Ready for sales from the right customers and clients

Then it’s time for you to be a guest on podcasts.


  • Burnt out from the social media hamster wheel
  • Ready to get your message out to new audiences
  • Wanting to grow your following and community 
  • Looking to refine your messaging as a speaker 
  • Ready for sales from the right customers and clients

Then it’s time for you to be a guest on podcasts.

These are some of the transformations our clients at Scout's Agency have received from being a guest on podcasts...

  • Launched #1 best-selling books

  • Made over $40k in sales within 3 months

  • Gained 13k Instagram followers
  • Got her book endorsed by a celebrity entrepreneur

  • Signed high retainer clients

  • Got 150 inquiries to work from her from one podcast
  • Doubled her podcast downloads

  • Gained a network of high profile entrepreneurs

  • Got verified on Instagram

“If you’re on the fence, just do it - you won’t regret it. What I learned from Scout and her team is invaluable and the stepping stone I needed to take my business to the next level.”

– Taylor Lucatino

**GULP** Did a limiting belief just pop into your head?!

Those things are ruthless. Let’s make them feel seen so that they can politely leave the chat…


My story isn’t that special…a podcast host wouldn’t even want to have me on!

The truth: Yeah, we hear this one ALL. THE. TIME.

From six-figure entrepreneurs to eight-figure entrepreneurs, from women who have just started their business two weeks ago to women who have been in business for the past 10 years, from women who have 2,000 Instagram followers to women who have over 1M.

Therefore, there is one conclusion: we all have this limiting belief and based upon the results of running over 250 Podcast Tours and seeing results for all women at all levels in their business, it is simply not true. 

If you are a human, have a business, and have a goal in this lifetime: you have a story that people who are 2 years behind you on their journey need to hear.


It’s impossible to actually book good podcasts with a cold pitch.

The truth: We have booked 3,000 podcast episodes for our clients.

Every podcast we have booked our clients on has started from a cold pitch. The cold pitch is courageous. It’s about what is in that cold pitch that makes a podcast host say yes or no.

We have developed a proprietary pitch template to secure those YES’es for you in a way that is genuine, aligned, and authentic.


I don’t have enough Instagram followers for a Podcast Tour to be successful for me! Hosts won’t say yes to me. 

The truth: We have booked our clients with under 3,000 Instagram followers on some of the biggest podcasts - think Life With Marianna and CEO School.

Our clients with lower Instagram followers are actually some of the most successful Podcast Tours we have run to date.

Why? Being a guest on a podcast is about being human vs. vanity metrics.


These strategies only work for the top-players. I am way too early in my business for this to work!

The truth: The Podcast Tour is the only PR strategy that supports and creates impact for people in the beginning of their journey.

This is because there are over 2 million podcasts which means that there are definitely podcasts out there that need to hear your story and are interested in what your business has to offer. It is the most human exposure strategy out there.

In fact, our clients who start their Podcast Tour earlier on in their career see the most impact over time.


I know you have the best framework in the game, but that doesn’t mean this will work for me. 

The truth: Our framework has worked for hundreds of women.

It has booked over 3,000 podcast episodes and catapulted our clients to bestselling authors, top podcasts hosts, and revenue soaring entrepreneurs.

You’re telling me that you are the one exception to the rule? You are the only one it won’t work for? Girl, please. We won’t let you believe that for two seconds ;) We see you for what you are: a woman on a mission who is done playing small and ready to step into her power.

**GULP** Did a limiting belief just pop into your head?!

Those things are ruthless. Let’s make them feel seen so that they can politely leave the chat…


My story isn’t that special…a podcast host wouldn’t even want to have me on!

The truth: Yeah, we hear this one ALL. THE. TIME.

From six-figure entrepreneurs to eight-figure entrepreneurs, from women who have just started their business two weeks ago to women who have been in business for the past 10 years, from women who have 2,000 Instagram followers to women who have over 1M.

Therefore, there is one conclusion: we all have this limiting belief and based upon the results of running over 250 Podcast Tours and seeing results for all women at all levels in their business, it is simply not true. 

If you are a human, have a business, and have a goal in this lifetime: you have a story that people who are 2 years behind you on their journey need to hear.


It’s impossible to actually book good podcasts with a cold pitch.

The truth: We have booked 3,000 podcast episodes for our clients.

Every podcast we have booked our clients on has started from a cold pitch. The cold pitch is courageous. It’s about what is in that cold pitch that makes a podcast host say yes or no.

We have developed a proprietary pitch template to secure those YES’es for you in a way that is genuine, aligned, and authentic.


I don’t have enough Instagram followers for a Podcast Tour to be successful for me! Hosts won’t say yes to me. 

The truth: We have booked our clients with under 3,000 Instagram followers on some of the biggest podcasts - think Life With Marianna and CEO School.

Our clients with lower Instagram followers are actually some of the most successful Podcast Tours we have run to date.

Why? Being a guest on a podcast is about being human vs. vanity metrics.


These strategies only work for the top-players. I am way too early in my business for this to work!

The truth: The Podcast Tour is the only PR strategy that supports and creates impact for people in the beginning of their journey.

This is because there are over 2 million podcasts which means that there are definitely podcasts out there that need to hear your story and are interested in what your business has to offer. It is the most human exposure strategy out there.

In fact, our clients who start their Podcast Tour earlier on in their career see the most impact over time.


I know you have the best framework in the game, but that doesn’t mean this will work for me. 

The truth: Our framework has worked for hundreds of women.

It has booked over 3,000 podcast episodes and catapulted our clients to bestselling authors, top podcasts hosts, and revenue soaring entrepreneurs.

You’re telling me that you are the one exception to the rule? You are the only one it won’t work for? Girl, please. We won’t let you believe that for two seconds ;) We see you for what you are: a woman on a mission who is done playing small and ready to step into her power.

“The value that I got out of the PTA was unlike literally anything I have seen on the market. I have done a lot of things for my marketing and I have taken courses before but this was hands down the most supportive one I have been in. It radically changed things for me.”

- Ali Kates, PTA Alumni

Inside The Podcast Tour™ Academy:


  • Motivational content to once and for all quit playing small and step into your personal power
  • Strategies, frameworks, and templates to create a meaningful brand narrative and talking points
  • Tactical expertise to logistically run a Podcast Tour for yourself in perpetuity 
  • Tips and tricks on how to maximize podcast interviews to superspeed your brand’s expansion

This isn’t the course where we gate-keep. This isn’t the course that gives you empty advice, fluffy homework, or empty strategies. 

This is the course that gives you all of Scout’s Agency secrets, tips, and tricks that have been cultivated for the past 5 years. 

5 years of proprietary knowledge. 5 years of real trial and error. 5 years of expertise. 5 years of industry secrets. 

All for you. 

Put simply, The Podcast Tour Academy is your one-stop shop for actually getting yourself as a guest on podcasts, becoming a thought leader, and expanding your business in the process. 

Inside The Podcast Tour™ Academy:


  • Motivational content to once and for all quit playing small and step into your personal power
  • Strategies, frameworks, and templates to create a meaningful brand narrative and talking points
  • Tactical expertise to logistically run a Podcast Tour for yourself in perpetuity 
  • Tips and tricks on how to maximize podcast interviews to superspeed your brand’s expansion

This isn’t the course where we gate-keep. This isn’t the course that gives you empty advice, fluffy homework, or empty strategies. 

This is the course that gives you all of Scout’s Agency secrets, tips, and tricks that have been cultivated for the past 5 years. 

5 years of proprietary knowledge. 5 years of real trial and error. 5 years of expertise. 5 years of industry secrets. 

All for you. 

Put simply, The Podcast Tour Academy is your one-stop shop for actually getting yourself as a guest on podcasts, becoming a thought leader, and expanding your business in the process. 

“It has been a game changer in my business because I noticed I wasn’t getting in front of new audiences to share my genius, my offer, and my message. With this step by step plan, they walk you through their pitch method and give you permission to share your expertise in a proven system that gets responses and gets you booked. Already. I have received 2 interviews and have guested on podcasts getting in front of new audiences and my ideal clients."

- Bree Carroll


Want to join The Podcast Tour Academy?

Sign up for the waitlist to get notified when it's open for enrollment!


The Podcast Tour Academy Course ($5000 value) 

The Podcast Database membership: 1 month for free ($900 value)

Lifetime access to Course and all updates ($700)

Bonus: Bust Through Imposter Syndrome & Step Into Your Personal Power webinar ($500 value)

Bonus: 4 Strategies to Maximize your Podcast Tour ($500 value) 

Bonus: 2 Meditations for Pre-Interview and Post-Interview ($200 value)


Want to join The Podcast Tour Academy?

Sign up for the waitlist to get notified when it's open for enrollment!


The Podcast Tour Academy course ($5000 value) 

The Podcast Database membership: 1 month for free ($900 value)

Lifetime access to Course and all updates ($700)

Bonus: Bust Through Imposter Syndrome & Step Into Your Personal Power webinar ($500 value)

Bonus: 4 Strategies to Maximize your Podcast Tour ($500 value) 

Bonus: 2 Meditations for Pre-Interview and Post-Interview ($200 value)

“My mind is still blown at how generous this offering was and how you set each of us up for success! I can’t imagine how good the next one is going to be!!”

– Tiffany Paul

“THE WHOLE THING exceeded my expectations. From the conversations to the value to the workshopping our pitches and answering our questions, def double the price for sureeeeee.”

– Ali Kates

“If you’re on the fence, just do it - you won’t regret it. What I learned from Scout and her team is invaluable and the stepping stone I needed to take my business to the next level.”

– Taylor Lucatino

"Sign up because you will walk away having pitched yourself. It’s basically a step by step guide with feedback.”

– Genieva Davidson

“You will not be disappointed and you will get all your questions answered.”

– Sonya Sparks

“Today I had a smaller podcast come out that I was guest on. I am paying attention to my socials and my email subscribers and I am seeing a clear uptick in all of those things today. Nothing else is happening today, besides that podcast that aried, which is contributing to my increased numbers.”

– Paige Pritchard

“Absolutely do it if you want to strengthen your business and be confident in what you have to offer.”

– Cassie Levine

“I feel incredibly grateful and I have this knowing that I am going to make a great impact with the work that I do and serve and help other people out there who might need the kind of work that I do.”

– Babs Cheung

“My mind is still blown at how generous this offering was and how you set each of us up for success! I can’t imagine how good the next one is going to be!!”

– Tiffany Paul

“DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT, hands down this will be the best investment you make in your business strategy and marketing. Scout and her team are so incredible and they are literally giving away so much that most people gatekeep.”

– Ali Kates

“My takeaways from the PTA are that I can be a guest on a podcast and I do have something to offer to listeners. Another takeaway is that I may actually benefit from starting my own podcast. Which I never even really considered until now.”

– Taylor Lucatino

“I love that this course was a step-by-step guide basically. By the end, you’re pitching yourself! As you complete a lesson, you take that action, and by the time you finish that lesson, you’re pitching!”

– Genieva Davidson

“Got booked on 4 podcasts and also one in the works just figuring out location. More importantly feeling incredibly aligned and like a weight has been lifted off my back that I can reach a larger audience without slaving myself to IG.”

– Ali Kates

“The PTA exceeded my expectations with how involved Scout and her team were and how they are truly so eager to help. They answered every question in detail, helped tremendously with our pitches, and it was just an overall great experience.”

– Taylor Lucatino

“The feedback and the honesty was always positive even when there were things to fix. I trusted everyone on the team immediately!”

– Cassie Levine

“The best part about this experience is how generous Scout is with her time, as well as her team and all of their resources. They have got your back and I felt it!”

– Babs Cheung

“For me, joining The Podcast Tour Academy was the best decision I ever made in my business.” 

– Ale Wiecek

“My takeaways from the PTA are that I can be a guest on a podcast and I do have something to offer to listeners. Another takeaway is that I may actually benefit from starting my own podcast. Which I never even really considered until now.”

– Taylor Lucatino

“I was featured on two podcasts when I pitched 5.”

– Genieva Davidson

“I think it was completely worth the investment and I am so glad that I joined the PTA! I would highly recommend it to someone else!” 

– Genieva Davidson

“The team is really there for you every step of the way!”

– Ale Wiecek

"You will get every penny out that you invested back into it. It is worth. Make the investment into yourself, your brand, and your business. You will not regret it!” 

– Paige Pritchard

“I wasn’t sure if this strategy was going to work for myself, my business, and where I was at, but it has given me a new fire and energy to continue to spread the message around mental health and what I do.

– Ali Kates

“I am a group coaching and course junkie. I’ve done a lot of them and the PTA is one of the few that completely surpassed all of my expectations, but they actually delivered on what they said they were going to deliver on, which is helping you feel comfortable and equipped to get yourself booked on podcasts so that you can get your story, your message, and your brand out into the world.” 

– Paige Pritchard

“I was burnt out on all the other marketing strategies that I was learning around putting out content. The reason why I love this strategy is because you are able to reach bigger platforms and a bigger audience by sharing your story in a long form.”

– Ali Kates

“I have zero regrets working with Scout. Getting Scout’s 1-on-1 feedback on our homework in our Geneva chatgroup, I felt so blessed. Scout is a legend. She is so knowledgeable. Having her input on my bio, talking points, and my pitch…totally priceless!”

– Ale Wiecek

“It has been a game changer in my business because I noticed I wasn’t getting in front of enough new audiences to share my genius, my offer, and my message.”

– Bree Carroll

“I have a full pitch template and topics for myself now. I only had time to pitch myself to 5 podcasts. Out of those 5, I booked 2! And I know if I keep pitching, I will keep getting ‘yes’s.”

– Genieva Davidson

“Do it! Just do it if you are on the fence. In just 6 weeks you will have a completely new outlook on your business and marketing. You can have a completely different community of people that you are connected with and it’s transformational. Do it. You will not regret it.” 

– Ali Kates

“The value that I got out of The Podcast Tour Academy was literally anything like i’ve seen on the market. I’ve taken courses before, but this was HANDS DOWN the most supportive one I have been in and it radically changed things for me.” 

– Ali Kates

“If you are thinking about joining the next round, DO IT! JOIN! It will be one of the best or the best investment that you will ever make in yourself, your brand, and your business. That has certainly been the case for me.” 

– Paige Pritchard

“I sent out my first round of pitches after the PTA wrapped and I got back 8 ‘yes’s. That is 8 opportunities for me to go on and share my story, my brand, and my message with people that otherwise might not have heard it. One of those podcasts is a fairly large podcast.”

– Paige Pritchard

“The most important thing I learned in the PTA was the framework that all of us who are hosting a podcast or want to be a guest on podcasts need to know. I learned that I need to show up authentically and find my voice, then to put that into a framework that is going to enable me to get myself on podcasts and eventually be invited on as a guest. I now feel comfortable that I have the right set of tools to reach out to podcast hosts and be chosen to be a guest. I wouldn’t have been able to know any of this without The Podcast Tour Academy. I would so recommend this!”

– Ale Wiecek

“With this step-by-step plan, they walk you through their pitch method, give you permission to share your expertise in a proven system that gets responses and gets you booked! All ready I have received 2 interviews, have guested on podcasts, and I’m getting in front of new audiences and my ideal clients.”

– Bree Carroll

“By the end of it you will feel totally equipped with exactly what you need to do to get yourself booked on podcasts from where to find podcasts, what are the right types of podcasts I need to be pitching myself to, to crafting your pitch that stands out and that gets noticed, to what to do when the host says yes, no, or maybe later, what to do before you go on the show and while you are recording, and even after the recording is over. The entire A-Z, they equip you for. You will leave feeling so so confident!” 

– Paige Pritchard


Reflection of You

Learn how to identify your brand messaging and what makes your story unique


  • Set your intentions as a podcast guest
  • Identify your ideal audience
  • Craft your 5 talking points


Craft the Perfect Pitch

How to implement The Scout’s Agency proprietary pitch template


  • Get access to our proprietary pitch template
  • Review past successful pitches
  • Write your own pitch


Finding Podcasts that are a Brand Fit

Understanding the podcast landscape using the Scout’s Agency podcast algorithm


  • Assess podcast opportunities
  • Build a list of podcasts that will say YES
  • Get over your fear of cold pitching



What to Do Once a Podcast Says YES! How to run the operational backend of your Podcast Tour™


  • What information to give the podcast host
  • How to prepare your cal-invite
  • Tips and tricks for scheduling


How to Maximize and Optimize a Podcast Appearance:

Making the most of your interviews from a PR and brand growth perspective


  • The mindset shift needed for success
  • How to maximize your interviews
  • Social media strategies to amplify your Podcast Tour



Reflection of You

Learn how to identify your brand messaging and what makes your story unique


  • Set your intentions as a podcast guest
  • Identify your ideal audience
  • Craft your 5 talking points


Craft the Perfect Pitch

How to implement The Scout’s Agency proprietary pitch template


  • Get access to our proprietary pitch template
  • Review past successful pitches
  • Write your own pitch


Finding Podcasts that are a Brand Fit

Understanding the podcast landscape using the Scout’s Agency podcast algorithm


  • Assess podcast opportunities
  • Build a list of podcasts that will say YES
  • Get over your fear of cold pitching



What to Do Once a Podcast Says YES! How to run the operational backend of your Podcast Tour™


  • What information to give the podcast host
  • How to prepare your cal-invite
  • Tips and tricks for scheduling


How to Maximize and Optimize a Podcast Appearance

Making the most of your interviews from a PR and brand growth perspective


  • The mindset shift needed for success
  • How to maximize your interviews
  • Social media strategies to amplify your Podcast Tour



Q: What is a Podcast Tour™?

A: A Podcast Tour™ is a similar concept to a book tour but instead of going to a plethora of cities, you are going on an abundance of podcasts as a guest! It is a PR strategy to build brand awareness, get yourself in front of new audiences, and grow your business while simultaneously growing your thought leadership and personal brand.

Q: How is The Podcast Tour Academy set up?

A: The PTA is a self-led course with 5 main modules of pre-recorded lessons, 2 bonus modules of additional webinars, and 2 meditations for pre and post interview. There is corresponding homework and PDFs that go along with specific modules.

Q: How long will I have access to the course? 

A: You will receive lifetime access to the course! You will also get access to any additional modules, sessions, or assets that get added to The Podcast Tour™ Academy over the years.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: You can get a full reimbursement within 24 hours of signing up if you happen to change your mind by emailing! After 24 hours of signing up, we do not offer refunds. 

Q: Are there any technical requirements for being a part of The Podcast Tour Academy? 

A: Nope! Just need access to the internet. 

Q: Who is teaching?

A: Scout Sobel, the CEO & Founder of Scout’s Agency, and Heather Byrd-Henderson, the Director of Clients at Scout’s Agency. Scout was the first to identify that being a guest on a podcast was a form of PR that was not yet being tapped into. She created the Podcast Tour™ service four years ago! Heather has overseen over 200 Podcast Tours™ at Scout’s Agency and has systemized and processed the Podcast Tour™ experience and strategy.


Q: What is the cost?

A: Pay-in full costs $1111. Our payment plan is six monthly installments of $222. 

Q: When will I get access to The Podcast Database if I sign up?

A: The moment you sign up, you will receive a welcome email which will have a coupon code you can put towards one free month of The Podcast Database if you sign up for a subscription. We recommend finishing Module #4 before signing up for The Podcast Database.

Q: Should I enroll in the course for a DIY Podcast Tour™ or hire Scout’s Agency to run my Podcast Tour™ for me? 

A: We recommend hiring Scout’s Agency as a 1-on-1 client if your business is making over 500k and/or you have been in business for at least 2 years. 1-on-1 clients are ready to invest in an expert driving results for them. Scout’s Agency Podcast Tour™ full scopes start at $20k. 

The Podcast Tour Academy™ is the perfect option for solopreneurs, coaches, or entrepreneurs with an assistant who make under 250k and are either a) in the early stages of their business or b) have the bandwidth to run their Podcast Tour™ in house. The Podcast Tour™ Academy is also perfect for businesses that make over 250k and have a team who want to bring all of their PR and marketing in house!

If you’re on the fence, just do it - you won’t regret it. What I learned from Scout and her team is invaluable and the stepping stone I needed to take my business to the next level.” - Taylor Lucatino